YOUCAT stands for Youth Catechism of the Catholic church. YOUCAT is not just a book but an international catechetical youth movement that is active in many nations. YOUCAT India is a national youth catechetical movement approved by the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI). Come join the adventure and be a part of us!

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Do you want to go back to  being a ‘normal’ society? Or would you rather go out into a society that is better than how it was before the pandemic situation? Thanks to the Catholic Social Teaching we have the unique opportunity of building something new. Discover the riches of Catholic Social Teaching by studying the DOCAT online with a vibrant group of young people!

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Social Media stewardship

| 05 mins read | Kristen Fernandez Effectiveness of Social

What is inherited faith?

by Kristen Fernandes, Gujarat 10 minutes read Q22. How does